Received a Warrant of Debt in Virginia? Here’s What to Do

Receiving a warrant of debt can be a stressful experience. You might have to appear in court or even show proof of bankruptcy proceedings. Having a great attorney at your side can make all of this easier. Here are some tips on what to do next if you receive a warrant of debt, with the help of a bankruptcy attorney.

Hire Your Virginia Attorney First

The very first call you should make is to your Virginia attorney. A warrant of debt can create a lot of stress and confusion, and you will want to have someone to help guide you through the process. An attorney can help you get the warrant dismissed or reduced and can help you explore all of your bankruptcy options.

Things to Look for in an Attorney

You want to choose an attorney who is experienced in debt issues and bankruptcy law. They should have a strong understanding of the Virginia court system and be able to guide you through the process. They should also be available to answer any questions you may have.

Appearing “Pro Se” in Court to Present Your Case

If you are appearing “pro se,” that means you are representing yourself in court, you will need to gather all the documents you will need to present to the court. This includes your bankruptcy petition, evidence of your financial situation, and any other documents that will help your case.

While this option can be a popular one, there is a chance that it could hurt your case. A simple initial consultation with an attorney could help you prepare to appear before a court and make your appearance more successful.

Settle the Claim First, Outside of Court

If you have received a warrant of debt from a creditor, the first step is to contact them and attempt to settle the claim. This may involve payments or a compromise on the debt. If the creditor is unwilling to compromise, you may need to file a lawsuit in order to get the debt resolved.

Make a Bankruptcy Petition and Present Evidence of the Case

If you have filed for bankruptcy, the creditor may be able to prove that you are unable to repay the debt. This is why it is important to keep updated on your bankruptcy proceedings, so you can present evidence of your case if needed.

Ignore it Completely

If you receive a warrant of debt, the best course of action is to ignore it. Keep in mind that the creditor may be able to take legal action against you if you do not pay the debt. However, by ignoring the warrant you may be able to avoid any legal issues.

Hire a Virginia Attorney to Take Care of Your Warrant of Debt Like the Law Offices of Robert S. Brandt

Take your first step to resolving your warrant of debt by contacting the Law Offices of Robert S. Brandt. Our attorneys have decades of experience helping clients resolve their legal issues, and we will work hard to help you get through this difficult time. Contact us today for your initial consultation to get the representation you need.

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